During this series of lockdown, many of us have diverted our attention to make ourselves fit and healthy or atleast managed to avoid gaining extra kilos that we were unable to work upon due to hectic schedules. But it is important to understand that the efforts of these months do not go into wane. It must not be losing extra kilos now and gaining them back when things normalize with our daily routines.
Most of us are over- obsessed with ‘wellness focused endevours’ which is usually assumed to be calorie restriction and concluding ‘to be thin is to be healthy’. Not every lean person is healthy and fit. How many calories you need in a day depends on your gender, age, weight, height and physiological conditions. Not every person in the family has same calorie requirements. Moreover, with varying physiological conditions, everybody has different food restrictions. For instance, a person with high blood pressure has to follow a sodium restricted diet while a person suffering from diarrhea requires a high salt diet.
So, everybody needs a tailor-made diet, which is completely different from one person to another. Focus on what you eat and how frequently you eat. The golden rule says, ‘Honor your hunger and Respect your fullness’. Do not starve your body. If you let yourself excessively hungry, you are more likely to overeat ultimately adding to your calorie count. If you eat beyond your capacity, you will overfill your stomach leading to increased calories and problems like indigestion. Trust your body and eat wisely. Also, exercise is an important component of a well- balanced diet and good nutrition. Find ways to move your body. Shift your target from losing weight to making you feel energized, strong and alive.
Respect your body and appreciate it for being capable and beautiful in its ownself. Follow a gentle nutrition by defining your own healthline and make a permanent positive lifestyle change.