Fighting Back Against H3N2: Natural Remedies and Lifestyle Changes that Work

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As soon as you feel that sore throat or get the sniffles you wonder how to get rid of a cold fast. Even worse are the body aches. Being sick is miserable and you may want to run to the doctor as soon as possible, but going to the doctor is not always the best thing to do. Despite advancements in medical care and treatment, traditional western medicine has little to offer in the care and treatment of the common cold.

Bacterial infections are the only infections that respond to antibiotics. Colds and flu are caused by viruses so antibiotics do not help you to get rid of them. Though some bacterial infections have flu-like symptoms, 83-97% of the time these symptoms are caused by virusesSo going to the doctor is actually useless when you have a common cold or flu that is not severe.

The worst part is that without proper tests your doctor will prescribe you an antibiotic. Take my advice for the lifetime, never put any antibiotic in your body, until and unless you are sure that it is a bacterial infection.  

The flu season is upon us and the H3N2 strain has been hitting hard. It's time to arm ourselves with natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help keep us healthy and fight back against this nasty virus. Don't let the flu get you down – read on for some effective ways to boost your immune system, ease symptoms, and stay healthy all this season of seasonal change infections!

What is H3N2?

Flu has similar symptoms but is caused by a different virus (influenza virus) and can often be much worse than a cold. You may need to go to the doctor if your flu symptoms are severe especially with regards to chest congestion as it can lead to something worse if not dealt with.  H3N2 is a virus that causes the common cold and can lead to more serious respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It is a member of the family of viruses that includes the flu virus. There are also some natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can help you fight back against this virus.

Symptoms of H3N2

Symptoms of H3N2 include fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing. The virus can cause severe respiratory illness, including pneumonia, and can be fatal. Early symptoms of H3N2 infection are similar to those of the common cold, but can progress quickly to more serious illness. People with H3N2 should see a doctor if they develop any symptoms.

Listing a few symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Runny Nose
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Snuffy Nose
  • Cold and cough with white phlegm
  • Malaise (Feverish feeling)
  • Diarrhea
  • Breathlessness

Why Medication Is Not Always A Good Idea

Often medication is given to bring a fever down but this just stops the body from healing itself. This includes aspirin. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil) are some of the most common NSAIDs given to those suffering from fever, but these do more harm than good. If you take ibuprofen very often it can damage the lining of your stomach causing ulcers.

Acetaminophen is also extremely easy to overdose on, so much so that the FDA changed the recommended dosage. It becomes harmful to take if you have been drinking or are taking other medications at the same time. 

When To See Your Doctor

Signs of a Bacterial Infection:

  • Ear infection
  • Painful eyes
  • Green nasal discharge
  • Yellow or green phlegm
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever that persists more than 2 days
  • Fever that rises quickly or above 38.8°C or 102°F
  • You do not feel better when your fever has gone down after taking NSAID
  • Strep throat
  • Stiff neck
  • You are sick longer than 2 weeks

You should see the doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms. There are also natural antibiotics like garlic, oregano essential oil and some of the home remedies listed below that are beneficial.  

Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Prevent H3N2

It’s important to remember that the H3N2 virus is constantly evolving, so even if you’ve had it before, you can still get it again. The best way to protect yourself is to take steps to boost your immune system and prevent the virus from taking hold in the first place. Here are some diet and lifestyle changes that can help:

  1. Eat a healthy diet. A nutritious diet helps keep your immune system strong. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit sugar and saturated fat.
  2. Exercise regularly. Exercise helps improve circulation and increase the production of infection-fighting cells. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
  3. Get enough sleep. Sleep gives your body time to recover from the day and rebuild its defenses against sickness. Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
  4. Wash your hands often. Handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially after being in public places or around people who are sick.
  5. Avoid touching your face. Touching your eyes, nose, or mouth can transfer viruses and bacteria from contaminated surfaces to your body. So do your best to avoid doing it!

Natural Remedies for Treating H3N2

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil helps your body to fight colds and flu by making the viruses more vulnerable to attack by the body. It also has antibacterial properties and can be used in so many ways. You can use it to cook with, you can add it to your tea or coffee, you can even use it to make a natural vapor rub which really helps for congestion. Though it's less appealing, you can also eat a spoon of it. Organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil is best since none of the benefits have lost through the refining process. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help to boost the immune system and fight off infection. It is also effective in reducing inflammation. Don't hop on to lemons or oranges as they have a sour taste and might cause your throat to pain. Best is to opt for a supplement.

Herbal Teas

Herbs have been used in various cultures for centuries to fight illnesses. Here are a few of the best for colds and flu:

  • Elderberry: Elderberry is great for colds and flu. It fights the viruses and shortens the duration of your cold and flu.
  • Licorice: Proper licorice root, not the sweets, helps your body to fight off viruses. It also helps to loosen phlegm to ease congestion and it helps with fevers as well. Just be aware that it can interact with medication so mention that you are taking it if you need to visit your doctor or be careful if you are already on medications like blood pressure medicine.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint tea fights inflammation and eases the pain. It's also very refreshing.
  • Echinacea: This herb also helps to strengthen your body's natural defenses against colds and flu. If you are on certain medications, for example, heart medication, avoid this one.
  • Lemon balm: Lemon balm tea is very soothing and has antiviral properties.


Manuka Honey

Manuka honey, in particular, is beneficial because of its antimicrobial properties. It gets rid of viruses and is a natural antibiotic. It also helps to soothe coughs and sore throats. You can add it to teas or make cough mixture using lemon juice. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is also great for colds but not everyone likes the taste, so adding the honey to warm water and ACV makes it go down easier.

Raw honey can also be used, but manuka honey is better because manuka honey's quality and medicinal properties are guaranteed. When choosing a manuka honey, look for the rating UMF 16 and up. This is the highest quality. Below UMF 10 is all lower grade and it won't be as beneficial as the better quality honey.

Manuka honey comes from the manuka plant native to New Zealand and often has more benefits than raw honey. UMF measures the antibacterial properties of manuka honey and is a guarantee of quality and assurance that it can be used medicinally. There are different levels of UMF indicating quality as not all manuka honey is equal. Unfortunately, we cannot use Manuka for kids under 2 years.

  • UMF 5-9: Standard/low grade
  • UMF10-15: Medium grade
  • UMF16 and up is considered to be superior quality



Drinking plenty of fluids is important for keeping the body hydrated and helping to thin mucus. Hot teas, soups, and chicken broth can help soothe a sore throat and ease congestion. A humidifier can also be helpful in relieving congestion.


Taking the right precautions, such as using natural remedies and making lifestyle changes to boost your immune system can go a long way in protecting yourself from H3N2. It is also important to be aware of any symptoms that may suggest you have contracted the virus and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Together, these steps will ensure that you are better prepared to fight back against this dangerous virus.

  • Fever helps the body fight off infections. Don't try to lower it
  • Go to the doctor if your symptoms are very severe, you have diarrhea, have a fever over 38.8°C or 102°F or your fever is rising quickly.

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