Your late night snacking is an outcome of a number of habits you perform throughout your day. Your mindless eating will certainly add extra calories to your body and store for as long as you burn it. Late night snacking is associated with weight gain and obesity in the long run. Besides those extra calories, eating too close to bedtime can cause indigestion and sleeping problems.

But there’s one thing you think of changing is what you munch late night. There are far healthier options than just opting for foods puffed with high calories. Here you go-

·        WATER– Water is simply the best option to look for if staying up late. Water is filled with zero calories and will also help you stay hydrated. It also prevents you from overeating and jumping on to foods with high calories.

·        FOX NUTS (MAKHANE) – This easy to prepare snack loaded with Calcium, are flavanoid rich that have positive effects on our body. They help to detoxify spleen and function properly. They also make you feel full easily. So next time opt for home roasted fox nuts (makhane) rather than regular popcorns.

·        YOGURT– Yogurt is filled with a number of health benefits for our body. This nutrient filled cup is full of Calcium, Vitamin B and minerals in trace amounts. Eating just a cup of yogurt will give you a complete feeling of satiety.

·        CRACKERS– This low calorie snack is a better option than the normal biscuits as these have a major ingredient of wheat flour or oats. Thus, they are loaded with lots of dietary fibre that make you full easily.

·   FRUITS-Make an effort and cut fruits for yourself everytime you think of staying up late. Fruits are naturally low in fat and calories and enriched with lots of dietary fibre which lowers your appetite and satisfies with just a small bowl.

·   CHAMMOMILE TEA– This herbal tea is prepared from dried flowers is known to boosten immunity and reduces stress as well. It brings an oasis of calm and tranquility with its every sip. Crunch a few nuts along with it to satisfy your rising hunger during late night times. You can also choose to have 2-3 cardamom that helps in your weight loss as it helps to burn fat more easily.

·     OATMEAL– When your hunger calls for nutrients to add to your energy, switch to oatmeal. Besides being a great breakfast meal, oatmeal can also be taken to control your appetite at night times without adding much to your calorie intake. A combination of any cereal and milk will also aid in filling your stomach.

·    SANDWICHES– Prepare yourself an instant vegetable sandwich or spread over Peanut butter to your slice, a perfect set to bring in satiety.

Switch over to keep yourself hydrated which will lower your appetite and adopt a healthy lifestyle without disturbing the circadian rhythm of your body. Remember, your body is designed to respond to the rising and setting of the sun. Don’t disturb the cycle of your body and honour it with the best of food

Anupreet Sobti

Author: Anupreet Sobti

Your late night snacking is an outcome of a number of habits you perform throughout your day. Your mindless eating will certainly add extra calories to your body and store for as long as you burn it. Late night snacking is associated with weight gain and obesity in the long run. Besides those extra calories, eating too close to bedtime can cause indigestion and sleeping problems.

But there’s one thing you think of changing is what you munch late night. There are far healthier options than just opting for foods puffed with high calories. Here you go-

·        WATER– Water is simply the best option to look for if staying up late. Water is filled with zero calories and will also help you stay hydrated. It also prevents you from overeating and jumping on to foods with high calories.

·        FOX NUTS (MAKHANE) – This easy to prepare snack loaded with Calcium, are flavanoid rich that have positive effects on our body. They help to detoxify spleen and function properly. They also make you feel full easily. So next time opt for home roasted fox nuts (makhane) rather than regular popcorns.

·        YOGURT– Yogurt is filled with a number of health benefits for our body. This nutrient filled cup is full of Calcium, Vitamin B and minerals in trace amounts. Eating just a cup of yogurt will give you a complete feeling of satiety.

·        CRACKERS– This low calorie snack is a better option than the normal biscuits as these have a major ingredient of wheat flour or oats. Thus, they are loaded with lots of dietary fibre that make you full easily.

·   FRUITS-Make an effort and cut fruits for yourself everytime you think of staying up late. Fruits are naturally low in fat and calories and enriched with lots of dietary fibre which lowers your appetite and satisfies with just a small bowl.

·   CHAMMOMILE TEA– This herbal tea is prepared from dried flowers is known to boosten immunity and reduces stress as well. It brings an oasis of calm and tranquility with its every sip. Crunch a few nuts along with it to satisfy your rising hunger during late night times. You can also choose to have 2-3 cardamom that helps in your weight loss as it helps to burn fat more easily.

·     OATMEAL– When your hunger calls for nutrients to add to your energy, switch to oatmeal. Besides being a great breakfast meal, oatmeal can also be taken to control your appetite at night times without adding much to your calorie intake. A combination of any cereal and milk will also aid in filling your stomach.

·    SANDWICHES– Prepare yourself an instant vegetable sandwich or spread over Peanut butter to your slice, a perfect set to bring in satiety.

Switch over to keep yourself hydrated which will lower your appetite and adopt a healthy lifestyle without disturbing the circadian rhythm of your body. Remember, your body is designed to respond to the rising and setting of the sun. Don’t disturb the cycle of your body and honour it with the best of food

Anupreet Sobti

Author: Anupreet Sobti


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