The vast digital world has become of vital importance to our era. It has allowed us to unlock huge collection of information and communication data and has become a huge contributor to our well being. Just a thought to make it through the day without the simplest of technologies seems nearly impossible. We find ourselves constantly plugged in. We sense that right from the morning, the moment we open our eyes to the last thing we are switched into at night is all digital pieces surrounding us. Our smartphones and laptops are our so called ‘Best Friends’ now-a- days especially during this time of lockdown series. We find ourselves constantly engaged in digital pieces that ultimately our screen time has exploded.
Undoubtedly, digital literacy amongst people has helped them to stay connected online and complete the left over curriculum in schools/ colleges and has also proved an asset in the business world. But it has actually fuelled the debate on the health impacts of screen time on us. It might show great psychological and physiological health impact on people especially children who have now lost their limits for their screen exposure time. The big worry is that the surge in screen time will outlast the quarantine especially in case of children who might develop new habits. This calls out for a DIGITAL DETOX.
It is of utmost importance that we do not operate our digital pieces the moment we wake up or right before we go to sleep. Do not overstrain yourself while studying on smartphones or laptops. It is important to take a break, wash your face with clean water and allow your eyes to have some rest. Maintain a good posture while operating these devices for a long time. Don’t arch your back or lean forward or backwards. Lift the phone at eye level and don’t tilt your neck towards shoulder while talking over the phone. Frame a schedule and restrict your screen time. Let’s not allow this quarantine crisis to overtake your health.